Admin Etcetera

Face to Face Networking Tips

At a recent Chamber of Commerce networking event, I found it very interesting to see the many different networking styles.   What actually works and gets you clients?

How you present yourself when you walk in the room is extremely important.   Look professional as first impressions really do count.  Have a smile on your face showing that you really want to be there.  No one wants to talk to a grouchy negative person.  Your posture, handshake and tone of voice are very important as they need to display confidence and trust.

Acknowledge as many people as possible with a friendly smile or hello.  Don’t avoid anyone in particular because you feel they are not your ideal client.  You don’t know who your next client may be or who may refer you.

Is your elevator speech ready?  Have a short statement prepared that tells who you are and what you do.  You are there to meet people and introduce your business but if you can’t tell anyone what you do and what your business is, how are they going to remember you when they need your services?  Keep your speech short and sweet and give the other party the courtesy of telling you their speech.

Always have business cards handy and give them out to everyone you speak to.  But don’t be the guy that walks around the room and hands out cards to everyone in about ten minutes so he can leave to go do something more exciting. This is not the way you want to be remembered.

Take your time.  Make it a habit to speak to a few people at length and really build the relationship.  It takes time to build a network of local contacts, so expect this to be an ongoing process.

Once you have gone to a networking event you may have a handful of business cards to deal with.  Don’t just put them in a drawer.  This is a golden opportunity to connect your face to face networking with your social networking efforts.

Put those names in a database so you have all the information you need in one handy location.  The next day, if possible, send a hand written note or email to those you have talked to saying how nice it was to meet them. Connect with these people on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter.  Comment on articles they have posted, which will showcase your knowledge.  Be social but not pushy.   Don’t make this a sales call.  Simply build the relationship.  At the next meeting make it a point to talk to these people.  They will appreciate that you remembered them.

Social Media Marketing is very important in this virtual age that we live in.  But if you pair that with what some people call “old fashioned” face to face networking, you will find your business relationships much stronger and more rewarding.  It does take time to build strong relationships, but it is well worth your effort.


  1. classicexec says:

    Thanks, enjoyed reading – networking is oh so important!

    • pamh53 says:

      Thank you for the comment. Networking is so important – both face to face and through social media networks. And thank you for the re-post on your blog and Twitter. always appreciate the link. Have a great day.

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