Admin Etcetera

Facebook Fan Pages

There has been a lot said lately about Facebook Fan Pages.  But are they really the best medium for your business?  Will a Fan Page really benefit you?  Like any other social media marketing platform, if you do not participate, it will not be a good fit.  That is why that little word is there – social.  So how do you do that?

The first thing you have to do before you work on putting your Fan Page together is ask yourself what you have to offer.  Can you post daily about events you are hosting or participating in?  Can you offer tips to better your life or business?  Do you have new products or services?  You must provide sustainable content so your fans will have a reason to come back and check it out.  Give them a reason to talk about your page with their friends.

Your Welcome page is the most important as this is what people will see first.  Make it stand out.  Show your logo or product.  Have links to your Twitter profile and Blog.  Make sure your Fans know why they are there.  Don’t make them guess what your priorities are.

Be an active participant in your Fan Page.  Post daily in order to keep your Fans up to date with new information.  Respond to comments quickly so your Fans know you are truly interested in them.  And be social.  Participation is the key ingredient in social media marketing. If you are not interested in being an active part of your Fan Page, why would anyone else want to be.  Participate and build your community!


  1. Kena Roth says:

    Nice Post, Pam! 🙂

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