Admin Etcetera


Posts tagged 'Fan Pages':

50 Topics for Virtual Assistants To Blog About

I don't know about you, but I am always trying to think of original ideas to write about in my blog.  Of course, original is the hardest part.  So I thought I would list the topics everyone looks for.  Let me know if you can add to this list. 1.  How to write a marketing plan. 2.  Best practices at a live networking event. 3.  How to get started on Twitter. 4.  Smartphone compar ...


Analyse Your Efforts

You have worked very hard to market your business.   In addition to face-to-face marketing, you have utilized all the social media outlets.  You have a website, a blog and a newsletter in which you target clients in your niche.  You probably have Facebook friends and fans and Twitter followers.  Is it working for you? Most sites have graphs or charts showing you how many people have visited ...


Archive for Newsletters

I have been a fan of Constant Contact for over a year and I am still very happy with the service I receive.  I recently added the archive feature to my newsletters.  It is a great feature as anyone visiting my website can now read back issues of Etcetera - the newsletter.  Another great feature is the share button that is placed on the bottom of each newsletter.  This gives the reader the abil ...


Facebook Fan Pages

There has been a lot said lately about Facebook Fan Pages.  But are they really the best medium for your business?  Will a Fan Page really benefit you?  Like any other social media marketing platform, if you do not participate, it will not be a good fit.  That is why that little word is there – social.  So how do you do that? The first thing you have to do before you work on putting your F ...