Admin Etcetera

Do you work on the weekend?

I started my day in the usual fashion – coffee followed by checking email, Twitter and Facebook. I posted a quick comment on Facebook, “Saturday. Need I say more?”, and immediately received a few comments. One saying I did not need to say any more and another commenting on working for the day. Then I read a blog post by Chris Brogan which got me thinking.

Yes, it is a weekend, but as a business owner do we really ever switch off completely? You may have set some boundaries with your clients where you do not work on the weekend. Good for you. We all need to have a few days off every once in a while. It is not healthy to work all the time.

I will probably spend the afternoon with my husband at the beach. No, I’m not working today. I’ll be relaxing with a good book. When I’m not reading, I’ll be sitting there looking at the beautiful scenery. I’ll also be thinking of new ideas for my business. Random thoughts about blogging, ways to connect with more people or software I should look into are always popping into my head. Is this considered working?

What about you? Can you switch off completely? And is it really a bad thing to think about your next step, even if you aren’t technically working? I’d love to know your comments. Are you working today?


  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Pam Hower. Pam Hower said: Happy Saturday! Are you working today? […]

  2. I think I’m always in some sort of work mode. Yes, even Saturdays and Sundays when I’m checking emails, Facebook, getting on forums, etc. I even gave out 2 business cards at a wedding I attended this weekend. Sad, huh?

    • pamh53 says:

      Not sad. Smart business. You never know where a new client may pop up. Just don’t be too pushy. Keep it social.

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